Sunday 23 June 2013

McDemocracy - Supersize it!

Democracy - from Greek dēmokratia - dēmos 'the people' + -kratia 'power, rule'

The dictionary defines democracy as “government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.”

The Oxford dictionary further defines democracy asthe practice or principles of social equality”.

What then has happened to democracy? My understanding is that it is the responsibility of every citizen to actively participate in shaping society. Taking an active part means standing up for what is right and speaking out against what is wrong, yet our governments are persecuting people who do just that, and keeping tabs on all of us in the process.

Whistleblowers are a prime example of democratic activism. These are people who go against the grain, standing up for matters of principle against huge pressure and at enormous personal risk of loss of job, salary and reputation, not to mention threats to life and liberty.

When institutions and those appointed by the state to look after our interests are so often compromised by their position, and their desire to remain in position, any society worthy of the title “democratic” should be handing out awards to the brave individuals who take up the challenge. Instead those individuals are subjected to vicious smears, persecuted, bullied, imprisoned and even murdered.

Not only whistleblowers but also grass roots activists fighting for truth and justice suffer the same fate. Environmental campaigners, animal rights activists, those fighting – or just speaking out against - corporate and government corruption, greed, and exploitation, are treated as dangerous criminals, undeserving of the rights and protections of ordinary citizens.

What can justify the infiltration of, for instance, London Greenpeace and the so-called “McLibel” activists by men like Bob Lambert and John Dines, and their use as agent provocateurs to discredit and manipulate legitimate protest?  These undercover policemen seduced and married young, idealistic and socially active women, and went on to have children with them, merely in order to gain credibility and access to their networks. The deceit and betrayal was carried out in the name of democracy by our police and sanctioned by our government.

A million people marched in the UK against the war in Iraq, and where was democracy in action then? It was an overwhelmingly unpopular and illegal military intervention, but Britain went ahead with it, ignoring the voice of its citizens.

There is no risk to society from socially conscientious people who care enough about the world they live in to become actively involved and try to do something to make it a safer and better place – for all of us. On the contrary, we owe them our gratitude and huge respect. The risk comes from the opposite side – from the increasing covert and illegal surveillance and the corruption of truth and justice perpetrated by those in positions of power in our name. Corruption, misinformation and blatant terror tactics against those who dare to challenge the authority of those in power are compromising the underlying principles of our supposedly free and democratic social systems.

The truth has been turned on its head and they’re counting on our apathy, and fear, and self-protectiveness to stop us from action. Let’s show them that they’ve counted wrong. Stand up, speak out, and face the truth! Democracy is more than under threat – it has been secretly taken over by a self serving, paranoid and greedy elite.

Spread the word.



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